E-Learning Platform Design for National Family Planning Training -Engender Health & Ministry of Health


Design, Development, Testing & Deployment

  • Cross-platform mobile app & web application
  • Works offline: download training course and learn offline without the need for internet connection


Engender Health, Ethiopia Ministry of Health, Ethiopia


E-learning Platform

The e-learning platform for national family planning training will be a valuable resource for health workers across Ethiopia. The platform will provide health workers with the knowledge and skills they need to provide family planning services to their communities.


The e-learning platform is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to health workers across Ethiopia. The platform will include a variety of learning resources, such as:

  • Videos: The platform will include videos that demonstrate the different family planning methods.
  • Text: The platform will include text-based modules that provide information on family planning.
  • Quizzes: The platform will include quizzes that allow health workers to test their knowledge of family planning.


The e-learning platform will be developed by a team of experts in e-learning and family planning. The platform will be developed using a variety of tools and technologies, including:

  • Adobe Captivate: This software will be used to create the videos and text-based modules.
  • QuizMaker: This software will be used to create the quizzes.
  • WordPress: This software will be used to create the website for the platform.